Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Blog #3 Supreme Court

     Supreme court - Wikipedia

     I didn't know that the first case that the supreme court handled was a payment dispute between a farmer and a family.

  I think the most important take away from all this is that the supreme court exists as a way to keep the balance of power in check. It checks if laws are constitutional or not before passing them. It can also check the power of the two other branches of the government. These checks and balances need to exist so one branch of government doesn't get too powerful by passing unconstitutional laws.

    I thought it was interesting that SCOTUS didn't hear any cases during the first term. I thought at least one case would make it's way to the supreme court but I guess not.

Blog #2 Privacy

  These issues affect all of us because we are all on social media. Even if you don't have a social media account of your own you probably show up in a few friends pictures that they post on their profiles. I think it can be very scary that the government or a random hacker can know where you are at all times. We can protect ourselves by using secure apps like Whatsapp or Imessage. Using these encrypted messaging applications it can make it harder for a government or a hacker to read your private conversations. Also having a strong password can help keep your accounts secure.

My 5 favorite news sources

 Analysis of News Sites - Center for Media Engagement - Center for Media  Engagement

I primarily read gaming news sources.

 IGNIGN - YouTube

IGN has been writing game reviews and gaming news articles since 1996. They also do video game tutorials also known as walk-throughs. The quality of the reviews has fallen off by a large degree since the 90s. I like them for a quick review of whatever the latest game is but I don't rely on them for anything in depth.

PolygonPolygon: Gaming and Entertainment News, Reviews, and More

Polygon is not specifically gaming news but covers mostly pop culture topics. I used to use this source for gameplay of the upcoming game releases. I also use the source for just general news related to things like marvel.

Pcgamer PC Gamer - YouTube

Pcgamer provides pc gaming related news such as PC game releases, latest hardware news, and mods. I read Pcgamer mainly for PC specifications and hardware requirements for games.

DestructoidDestructoid - Wikipedia

Destructoid like the others provides gaming news and reviews but also has a community section where users can post videos, start discussions and even buy and sell things on the marketplace.  I use this site for just general gaming news. I also read their reviews as I consider them to be better than IGN.

Gamespot Video Games Reviews & News - GameSpot

Gamespot covers general gaming news but also has game trailers, guides and walk-throughs. I use gamespot for walk-throughs. I like their walk-throughs better than IGN because they are more in depth.

Post #12

  Technology has given us many advantages but has also come with many disadvantages. On one hand you can talk with almost anyone across the ...