Thursday, April 6, 2023

Anti-War (Blog #6)


Not many sources are anti-war these days. Ever since the war in Ukraine started major mainstream news sources have been very pro-war and ever since we have been sending billions of dollars to Ukrainian oligarchs. So where are the sources standing in opposition to all this? They’re in the corners of the internet where not as many people look. 

There could be many reasons why anti war voices are being sidelined by the mainstream media. One reason could be that they aren't the mainstream opinion. The mainstream news is biased. The mainstream media will only report on mainstream news and mainstream opinions based on their political beliefs. In order to find non mainstream opinions you have to look harder and in different places. You aren’t gonna find anti-war sentiment on CNN or MSNBC. To find an anti-war opinion you have to find more obscure or less mainstream sources. 

The obscure websites provide more non mainstream opinions because they have less restrictions on what they can say. Social media has helped with allowing people to hear different opinions other than the main news sources. Mainstream social media usually has non mainstream opinions. Reddit is a social news site that has a large community so it is likely to find more non mainstream opinions on certain topics. Other social media websites like twitter offer a large variety of opinions. Sites like Antiwar and The American Conservative need more attention.

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