Thursday, April 13, 2023

Free Expression (Blog #4)


Military airstrikes on Myanmar village feared to have killed 100 | PBS  NewsHour

Free Expression

Free expression is one of the most important aspects of democracy. Look at non democratic nations like Myanmar, where the military has been cracking down on protests following the 2021 coup where the military removed their democratically elected leader. Another example is China where the citizens cannot criticize the government at all without fear of oppression. Countries like Saudi Arabia doesn’t allow criticism of government officials or allow freedom of religion. They also don’t allow criticism of certain religious figures. Marketplace of ideas, participation in self-governance, stable change, individual self-fulfillment, check on governmental power, promote tolerance, promote innovation, protect dissent are the eight values of free expression. Individual self-fulfillment and protection of dissent are my most important values because people need to express their opinions for democracy to thrive. 

As video games have played a big part in my life and will play a big part in my career after college, I believe that this value can be connected to video games. People use the medium of video games to express themselves and put their voices out there. Video games can have commentary on various social and political subjects. The game “Papers Please” has commentary on how immigration affects people. Social media is a good example of individualism and dissent. I see individualism and dissent everyday on social media. Social media gives the average person a voice to give their opinion. People on social media can share their values and beliefs as they see fit. If someone doesn’t like what the government is doing then they can say that on social media without fear of being silenced or censored. Video games are sometimes used to voice dissent as well. Games such as “This War of Mine” have a very anti war message and themes. Protestors in Hong Kong used the video game “Animal Crossing” to create signs for a free Hong Kong and hold rallies in the game.

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