Sunday, April 23, 2023

Age of AI (blog post #10)


As A.I becomes more advanced some people wonder when does it stop. After watching the documentary I saw that A.I is going to make some jobs obsolete. Many jobs have already been lost to automation such as assembly line jobs. A.I could cause fifteen percent of workers to be displaced. That number is going to rise as A.I becomes more and more advanced. 

Writers jobs could be at risk now that we have chat bots that can write whole essays for you with just a few key words. Truck drivers jobs are at risk as seen in the documentary. Automation is killing trucking jobs by having self driving trucks. Truck drivers are required to rest after a certain amount of hours but with self driving trucks they don’t have to stop and they don’t have to be paid. Artists could also be affected by the new A.I art craze. There are A.I programs on the internet that can make high quality drawings of pretty much anything you tell it. 

Some jobs may not be affected by A.I. Lawyers may be safe from A.I taking their jobs. A.I might not be able to handle the nuances of court cases so they wouldn’t be a good replacement. Human Resources could also be a job safe from A.I as some problems can only be solved by a human. 

A.I could cause a huge privacy issue. A.I could be used to instantly identify a person just through a single picture. It can also watch your search history and learn what you like and don’t like. It could potentially know more about you than you. A.I can be used in some dangerous ways like making deepfakes of people. Making it seem like that person said something terrible but it’s just a A.I imitation. A.I generated voices are becoming very advanced, being able to sound almost identical to the real person.

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